3rd Jiangsu Development Summit ready to kick off 环球热门

2023-05-19 18:30:41 来源:ourjiangsu.com

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Guests from home and abroad have arrived in Nanjing to prepare to attend the third Jiangsu Development Summit. Let"s take a close look.


Tang Yingyen, whose ancestral root is from Wuxi of Jiangsu, is concerned about the development of his hometown. Attending the Jiangsu Development Conference for the third time, he hoped to do his part to help Jiangsu"s future development.

“Jiangsu is a comprehensive industrial chain in various aspects such as industry, commerce, and finance.Every time I return to my hometown,I feel very happy to see that the hometown is highly developed.I think having sufficient funds to support scientific research is very important and I hope Jiangsu can take the lead in this aspect,” said Tang Yingyen, Chairman of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority Board in Hong Kong.

Ge Jun, born in Taicang, once served as the Vice President of globally renowned companies such as Intel, Apple, and NVIDIA. At this year"s Jiangsu Development Conference, Ge Jun looks forward to working hand in hand with more Jiangsu enterprises to contribute to the development of his hometown and help with the sustained growth of the province"s economy.

“I come from Suzhouand I think my hometown will always be the softest place in my heart.When I think of my hometown,I think of warmth and the local accent.This is my third time returning to participate in the Jiangsu Development Summit,I believe that through this Summit,we can gather global wisdom and make greater contributions to the future economic development of Jiangsu,” said Ge Jun, CEO ofTOJOY Holding Group.

“I am very pleased to participate in the Jiangsu Development Summit this time. I hope to have new development in my hometown in the near future and do something for it,” said Shen Hao, Founding President of the Jiangsu Commerce Council of Canada.

“Jiangsu has a good geographical location,humanistic culture, and business environment,making it very advantageous for innovation.I hope to use this development summit as a good opportunity to make some contributions to the development of Jiangsu in the medical and pharmaceutical fields,” said Wang Ximeng, President of American Chinese Experts Association.

“ As the President of the Hong Kong Federationof Jiangsu Associations, our focus this year is to help young businessmen further understand Jiangsu"s long-standing culture and development,” said Yao Maolong, member of the Election Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

“I feel very honored to be invited to participate in the Third Jiangsu Development Summit. It was 5 years since I last returned to my hometown,I hope that through this Summit, we can promote the overseas promotion of the local cultures of Jiangsu and make some contributions to promoting greater economic and cultural development in Jiangsu,” said Chen Yunlu, Chairman of the Japan International Art Exchange Center.

“As an overseas Chinese,I hope to give full play to the advantages and characteristics of integrating China and foreign countries by introducing patents and high-tech from research institutions of overseas universities to Jiangsuand making further contributions to the people of my hometown,” said Tian Fei, Chairman of the Australian Capital Group.

“Jiangsu has unlimited development potentialand we are very proud of it. The Czech Republic is located at the center of the European Union,and its industrial exports are highly complementary to Jiangsu.We hope to play the role of a bridge in the futureand promote friendship between Jiangsu and the Czech Republic,” said Lu Hanbin, General Manager of Czech General AircraftCo., Ltd.

“I was invited to participate in the first and second Jiangsu Development Summit. As a native who lives overseas,I have a special sense of pride.As overseas Chinese from countries along the ‘Belt and Road’, we especially hope to contribute to Jiangsu"s development in the ‘Belt and Road’,” said Wu Hao, President of the Russian Overseas Chinese Youth Federation.

“I hope to contribute more to the Jiangsu Development Summitby spreading the steadfastness of Jiangsu businessmen and a good corporate image of Jiangsu to the world.I also hope to take this opportunity to spread the image and charm of my hometown to the world,” said Pu Yi"an, Member of the Central Economic Committee of ChinaDemocratic League.





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